Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cray cray mom to be?!

Hi people!!

Selamat hari raya. Maaf zahir batin. Mesti kirg bz beraya lagi eh. I tgh serabut pk umah nk kemas xlama lg nak beranak. He he he

Perut i dh besar. Mcm belon. I rs mmg btol la kata hubs and doc perut i besar. I tgk colleague i lg awal preggie tp comel je perut dia.

I skang nk pusing kiri kanan pn susah. Duduk je pn mengah. Apa cerrrr..hihi. Siap tnya pap kt office i apa rhsia dia bawa perut buncit tp mcm xpenat je...hehe...

Nothing much to tell. But i juz wanna share my beautiful or craycray experience with my baby. I rs mcm imagination i lebih tp mmg mcm yeye je. Lol.

I prasan baby kalo lapar mst la dia kungfu i. Jenis hardcore pnye. Dia pnye tendang non stop mcm x sabar nak mamam. Dpt je mam trus snyap gerak cikit2 je.mok2 sgt perangai mcm mak dia gak kalo lapa ngamok. Hihihi

Satu lg dia suka kejut i tdo. Kalo i xlayan nnt dia akan gegarkan perut i kaw2 smpai i terjaga buka mata. Aduiiii. Cheeky. Tp bgs jugak dia mcm alarm la..hahaha

Pastu blk keje i slalu berbual dgn dia. Ckp2 tp i xtau la dia dgr ke x. BUT dia akan kick2 vibrate kn perut i yeye je mcm dia bls ckp i. Hihi. Seronok tau berbual dgn baby Z. i suka tau ble dia senyap i tnya syg mommy x?jap g dia tendang.hihi.

And ada one night i xselesa sgt tdo smpai xleh tdo some more kaki kena attack bisa2 tu. I nangis2 la pastu dia asik gerak2,vibrate2 smpai la kitorg sama2 tertido. Mcm dia nk pujuk mommy dun cry.please b strong for me. Hehehehe.

Cray cray enough?!?!LOL. I love u baby Z.

K. Tata. Toodles.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

random baby stuff

blow dust..fuh fuh fuh...

hello..assalamualaikum..hows ur ramadhan?mine is great so far. baru 4 hari x puasa. sehari bcz kna buat mgtt and blood test. sob sob. 3 hr lg sbb xlarat. hmphhh byk sgt opinion psl bpuasa bg pregnant ladies kan..its so overwhelming..kalo boleh mst la nak risau plak ble baby kick more active than usual pn means dia lapar. my hubs pksa i berbuka. he said kalo baby x lapar skali pn at least kite dh amek precaution. tp baby mcm happy je lps mommy mkn..agaknya dia mmg lapar..sian plak..last week checkup berat bdn i turun. yela puasa kan cmne nak mkn all ok doc said. dah 1.1 kg at 27 weeks. how fast berat dia naik.  ;-)

anyway,i dh start bli brg2 baby cket like baju n etc. mana la tau kot ter bersalin awal at least dh ada brg. hence this post nk mnta pndapat/exp mommies or mom to be out there.

1. pampers
i beli mamy poko. but instead of yg biru biasa kita jmpe tu i jmpe red packaging. kt ctu dia tulis clinically proven anti rash and so on. so i pn amek je la. i pn xtau beza biru and red one. do u guys happen to know? do share please.

2. baby bath support
err,i ternampak i trus bli. tp xtau guna..hehe..tgk mcm clip on je kt baby bath tub. lepas tu i browse babyshop webs jmpe byk design lg bnda ni. mybe i will buy another design. tgk mn yg ok. hehe. hope it helps nk mandikan my angel nnt.

3. baby care
i blasah je bli baby bath cleanser, baby cream, baby nappy cream. lg nak kena bli apa eh?!?! im lost. i tgh cr laundry detergent yg organic. organic utensil cleanser dh jmpe tggl nk pg bli je..susah nk cr yg detergent tu...pffftttt. i hv my own reason bli yg organic sbb daddynye mmg keturunan eczema tegar and i plak xde eczema tp sgt sensitive skin. preggie ni i ada eczema sikit kt tgn. so boleh agak anak i ada possibility nk mwariai kulit kitorg. so i nk try organic dlu. dia dh bsr cket br i tukar lain. eh btw apa minyak2 yg kena bli ek utk baby?myk telon tu apa?

4. baby wipes
baby wipes yg mn elok? stakat ni i amek mamy poko. ala sepeket je. hehe. xtau nk bli yg mana. ku risau kulit anak aku. apakah dia mengikut kami? mnta2 xla..amin..

ehh itu je la..nnt update lain..hehe..nak citer psl fpp putrajaya yg dh lama duk dlm draft post. hihihi. salam ramadhan semua.  ;-)

p/s : jmpe termometer pigeon murah. rm30. kemain sukaaaaa!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

FPP-Hospital Putrajaya

dah lama nak bercerita pasal service fpp hosp putrajaya. tp xsempat nak menaip. fyi, i chose dr. azmi as my gynae and had my 1st checkup at 3mo++.
mula2 u have to call the hosp to make an appointment. sometimes they will call u back or sometimes dorg trus set appointmnt. sooo sila bsabar. i call masa 3mo kot.and appointmnt 3mo++. haaa byg kan..ramai ok..jgn kita pk kita je yg bminat dgn fpp.
registration fees is rm110, check up fee is always rm60. rm60 ni inclusive scan, and obimin. kalo u kna amek ubat lain or do blood test kna bayar harga lain ok..paham dop?  :-P
my 1st checkup tu dr. azmi xde. frust gle. if im not mistaken dia ada urgent meeting. so jmpe dr. hamidah. pnye la lama kena tggu. dr pkul 2 smpai 430 br dpt jmpe dr. hamidah. yela dr. hamidah kna cover dr. azmi cnfirm la witing time tu lama kannnnn. dr. hamidah ok soft spoken tp cam laju cikit. agaknya sbb dh ptg nk blk kot. hihi. i still rmember i asked her doc,do i need to take any supplement other than obimin? dfn tegasnya minah tu kata cukup. i preggie pn i amek obimin and calcium je.xyah nak amek bla bla dia mbebel. baik doc. saya tnya a concerned momtobe. lol. dia pn scan la perut gue and bgtau semua correspond and normal. lps tu suh buat blood test. mgigil aku. dh la doc lelaki yg amek darah aku.aku xcaya cket kt doc kalo amek darah. slalu sakit. biar nurse. hihi.
then next appointment a month after which is aku 4mo++ preggie at that time. this time dpt jmpe dr. azmi. dia br je blk dr hosp serdang ada emergency cser. adusss aku duk bygkqn tgn dia td duk korek2 perut org. hehe. dr. azmi is a very soft spoken and kind person. i like him tp x suka byk doktor ganggu mnta advice dia ms dia tgh check aku. so kdg2 hlg fokus gak la dr. azmi tu kat.aku untill ada doc tu kna marah dgn dia. hihi. mcm biasa.doc kata semua normal and perut aku besar.sikit. actly smpi skang doc and other people asik ckp perut aku besar. ggrrrrrr. aku rs normal je..cute gitu..this time scan baby mcm biasa dia mst tgh sujud or meniarap. tp comel nye baby asik main telinga. tgk jari dia comel loteyyy..hehe..doc kata x nmpk gender lg. ok xpe..doc suh aku mkn calcium. baikkkkk. lg aku suka xyah aku minum susu ibu2 ngandung yg mmg mloyakan tekak aku. this appointmnt aku tnya dia doc,adakah normal kita asik rs miss V tegang2 gitu..hehe..sengal x aku?yela mak risau nyah...doc kata normal la tu. dia nk flexikan kt area ctu..baik doccccc.
next checkup when i was 5mo++. this time aku x sihat. aku kena urine infection. wahhh perut pinggang mcm sengugut ko tauuuu. semalaman aku sakit. dh la xdpt xuti on the day checkup kna attend meetg kt kmnterian. aku mmg moody sbb sakit sgt pinggang smpai nk tekan myk pn slowwww gitu. slalu checkup ni aku excited pasal nk jmpe baby tp this time mmg aku sgt moody. aku siap ckp kat laki aku if ada doc lain kacau dr. azmi ms checkup aku mmg aku nak sound je. hihi. punye la garang.
agaknya baby tahu mommy moody,being good to mommy dia tayang muka kat mommy. and private part skali. lol. doc buat scan 4D. i was like whoaaahh canggih gak josp putrajaya ni. xyah la aku buat scan 4D kat klinik luar...terubat hati mommy syg ble tgk muka awak. tp dahi jendul cam daddy la. muncung pn ikut daddy. gaya tdo syiokkk habis pn ikut daddy..grrrrr....semua ikut daddy ehh.. doc bg ubat utk urine infection. mahal ooo about 50+++ jgk la..hehe..eb lupa nk ckp calcium kna bayar eh..obimin je free inclusive rm60 yg kita bayar everytime checkup.even scan 4D pn no extra charge.
then last checkup hari tu aku 6mo++. doc pesan lps ni dua mggu sekali kna checkup. but since nk dekat raya ni kite start lewat sikit. baikk no prob..again doc buat scan 4D. puas la doc tu pujuk baby tnjuk muka..dia tutup muka dgn tgn. pose like "hey u dont disturb me. cant u see what im doing. im sleeping ya know!!!". sighhh. yela fair la tu aku duk pesan baby tnjuk private part so dia tnjuk yg tu je la. kalo nk tgk muka kna pesan lain. lol. cheeky u baby!!siap nnt!!
this time aku tnya doc btol ke baby saya baby girl?eh knape awak x percaya?xla hari tu kan xclear sgt. and doc print gmbr tut dia besar2 bg kat aku.hehe.perli nampak. mommy so excited.lps ni nak borong bj pink. kalo idok asik pilih color universal je..hehehe..lps tu doc suh aku dtg esok buat mgtt and blood test..pfffttt blood test again?!?! dia syak aku ada diabetic hehehe..choyyyyyy la hoiii. tp mlm tu aku duk sebat icecream cream fudge factory. xsedar diri esok ada mgtt.
aku disuruh bpuasa from 12midnight to 8am. 8am tu dh tpacak kt hosp. doc amek darah n suruh mnum air gula. makk aiii air gula tu sgt meloyakan. stgh jam br aku dpt habiskan. mcm2 la aku aku buat perangai kt laki aku. aku nk mnum air mineral la nk buang dlm longkang la nk tumpahkan tu la br insaf.kenapa la smlm aku pg mkn aiskrim. ini kalo fail mmg niaya la kannn. doc pesan ptg nnt sms dia utk tahu result. malas aku nk sms ptg tu.mggu dpan isnin br aku sms doc. and yayyyyy result ok. terus ajak laki pg mkn aiskrim lg. xde keinsafan lgsg. hehe.
kesimpulannya ok la service fpp at hosp putrajaya. nurse semua baik2. doc pn okey. cuma waiting game tu la..alaaaa plg lama pn 2jam..apa ada hal. hahaha. ko meroyan la dgn tpon ke buku ke mag ke. layan candy crush smpi bosan. btw aku dh sign up antenatal class at hosp putrajaya. fee is rm 70 for both couple. mkn disediakan. 8couples only permitted for each session.xtau la ramai ke cikit ke..hehe.. 
ps: luper lagiiii.kalo kt hosp putrajaya ko kna buat urine test sndiri yer. g toilet dpn bilik doc tuh amek strip and botol pastu tnjuk result kt nurse yg mmg sentiasa tggu kt ctu. jgn risau tmpt amek darah,urine test,ukur tggi,berat,bp semua kt area yg sama dgn bilik doc.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

21 weeks: of baby kicks and cracked nippies

hi semua.  ;-)

lama x update. xtau nk update apa. brg baby xbli lg pun. cuma ari tu nenek dia blanje 4 jumpsuit. jadi la ek. aku kn x start bli baju lg. leka leka. lalalalala.
ok la nk citer pasal baby jap. i started to feel baby's movement since 15th weeks lg. masa tu 1st checkup kt hosp putrajaya. wahhhh masa tu baby buat apa ntah berdenyut2 dia kuit aku. ble scan tgk tgh sdap dia gerakkan kaki dia korek telinga..pdn larrrr..

dah 21 weeks ni lg la slalu dia kick or move kan. esp makan time mmg kejenya bgerak. mcm nk bgtau mommy please eat this more cz i like it. hehehe. esp kalo mkn aiskrim n jagung. suka sgt awak yer baby?ada skalibtu dia flying kick aku kuat sgt smpai aku terkejut dr tdo. tanjat mommy!!!
slalu klakar ble kt ofis dia akan tolak perut aku smpai kejung2 kegelian ko last monday.pagi smpai ptg aku x rs dia gerak. risau noks. aku sogok cheese cake pn dia xnk. hehe. so pg la klinik. act otw fr office to clinic dh rasa dia tendang tp aku juz pg je. juz double check. lg pn aku mmg rindu dia pn. nk tgk dia buat apa. hehe. psiko duhhhhh.

kalo aku kaya aku bli mesin ultrasound tu. everyday aku stalk anak aku. hahaha. mst anak aku stress mommy asik kacau. btw dh 3x scan still x nampak baby boy ke baby girl. everytime dia sujud. haiihhhh. baby,u bhnti smbhyg jap n tnjuk mommy ur private part. hehehe. mode psiko lg.
wpun sakit,xselesa kejap2 dia gerak,susah aku nk tdo ble dia keraskan perut tp rasa seronok and indah. kdg2 aku pk mcm ne la ada lil human being inside my tummy ni?hihihi. syukur kpd Allah s.w.t. Allahuakbar. tak terjangkau akal fikiran ku.

btw,aku ada cracked nipples. so susah hati cmne nk bfeed baby. boleh ke x?mil aku pn same case gak n xdpt nk susukan laki aku n abangnya. sobsob. tp aku tnya doktor dia kata boleh bfeed tp pkai shield. dia suh aku bli cocoa butter nipple creme sapu dr skang. hurmm. aku bdoa n bharap sgt dpt susukan anak aku. 6 bulan pn jadi la.

anyhoo, nenek si baby ni blikan jumpsuit kt fos. murah tau. sehelai rm12. kain sedap,lembut je. aku pilih saiz newborn la. plan aku mmg nk bli baju saiz newborn and 0-3mo sama byk. sbb kesian lak dia pkai bj besar. lain la kalo dia kuar nnt saiznya besar. hehe. neneknya pn setuju suh aku bli saiz newborn. siap ckp kalo x muat bli la baru ikut saiz bdn dia sambil2 jeling2 aku. hahahaha. mak aku emo dlu ms aku baby nenek aku suh bli baju besar2 supaya dpt pkai lama kan. biasa la tu.
aku x kesah pn nk bli neborn. nnt aku bli la colour unisex. nnt adiknya boleh la pkai. cewahhh. satu pn blum lepas dh berangan. hehe.

ok la tatatatitititututu.

p/s: congrats blogger lisa on 2nd pregnancy.  :-)  and blogger cik hazz nnt u pindah paris, slalu la update blog rindu je cik hazz xde kat msia nnt.  :-(

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

my baby stuffs priority list

as salam dan hellllllllluuuuu semua.

hehe. gelak dlu. biasala kn tgelam timbul kt blog.

ble tau im preggie i xde la trus buat list nk bli brg apa. sbb i kan all day sickness so i mmg xde mood la nk buat list. lucky that i slalu bc blog b2b seangkatan i yg dh mengandung dan anak dah nk setahun eg cik hazz,lisa,bazi,bai,etty,kina,moose, and many more.thnks to them at least i have little info on pregnancy and the preps to receive baby. thnks guys. i owed u guys.

ok pjg mukadimah. i thnk last two weeks ehh i pg baby expo kt mid first time u noe. nervous sbb i x suka pg expo sbb i cpt migrain. kawen dlu pn xpg expo. hehe. tp i tekad sbb nk survey,belajar n ajar hubs psl brg babg. so that besok i xlarat leh suruh je..hehe..

kt expo tu i bli convertible carseat, strerilizer and warmer and two pcs of towel. haha. cpt2 blah. panas wooo, x bnafas 4 bulan..xtau la cmne ble perut lg besar..

so what i want to tell is,i xde checklist pjg2 lg. nnt i refer mommy bloggers. hehe. yg i tau ada few major things that become our priority. those things are;

1. baby car seat

at first i bkenan yg maxi cosi pebble sbb leh match dgn quinny stroller. tp ble i buat reading boleh pkai smpai baby setahun je..ohh baiklah..forget about it..i googled convertible car seat n found out britax is affordable, boleh guna fr newborn up to 4years, and safetywise agak tip top la jgk. hence, kt expo hr tu jumpe booth britax. so bli trus sbb dpt hrga murah like rm760 kot. i noe baby xsemestinya nk duduk ble dh besar tp at least umur dia 2,3 thn i mmg akan pksa. lg satu i nk kuar hosp terus sumbat dia dlm tu.

2. breast pump

i dah citer pjg kan on prev entry. so i dexided dah 7mo preggie nnt br la i dcide nk bli..hati ke arah tgk dlu..

3. baby cot

i nk bli baby cot.kalo boleh xnk cosleep sbb tkt thempap. i tdo ganaz uols. nnt kena la didik baby tdo dlm cot. i duk usha babycot ikea yg leh covert to bed. dlm 300++ je. cuma prob nya cot ni dlm bilik la kn. kalo guests come to visit nnt kt bawah nk letak baby ktne eh?

4. sterilizer and warmer

i asked my fren dia kata dia dh x guna sterilizer and dia juz rebus. sbb malas. hehe. buat i pk dua kali perlu ke x bli sterilizer ni. tp wth i bli je la. i xde target any brand. blasah saje. nk yg murah. ingat nk bli autumz or little bean. tp hubs plak sbok nak yg tommee tippee sbb nk set dgn botol susu. ok sukahati ko la bang. nnt i bg tjawab sterilize botol dan panaskan susu selama dua tahun..gitewww..nk sgt dpt kt expo 389 for sterilizer,warmer,4pcs bottle. ok la b4 that survey kdai baby lain offer 399. jadi la tu. aku suka botol tommee ni sbb dia gemokkkkkk. nuff said. hahaha

5. stroller

haaaa yg ni aku target lps deliver. dlm pntg pn boleh bli. tp aku dh survey la stroller dr segi rupa gungsi dan harga. aku bkenan 4moms origami. korg cer goigle. mantap oooo...with a push of a button it automatically folded xleh guna fr newborn. aku nye criteria mst nk yg leh recline pose suitable for newborn. harga 3.9k kt msia. tp kt us 2k je tp postage la plak. then aku ni tgk la mcm2 stroller tp aku bknan jgk kt quinny. ntah kenape x plak bkenan bntuk bugaboo ke stokke ke. asal ntah asik nk quinny. sil aku pkai stokke. cntik tp aku xminat. hehehehe asal ek?so its either quinny zapp xtra 2013 (rm1.7k),buzz(rm2k) or modd(rm2k++). hubs kenan buzz or modd yg frame putih. kalo zapp xtra tu aku xmau la yg 2012. yg 2013 bleh lipat seat dia skali. compact and ringan. tp hubs aku lorat nk buzz or modd. nnt la bang kita bentang hujah dalam dewan rumahtangga kita. pjg lg masa. hehe

yg lain2 tu bnda kecik kemudian la pk..dh hjg2..pelik aku xde nafsu nk bli baju. agaknya sbb xtqu gender tu yg malas. hehe. so sekian la entry aku. kah3. sori xde gmbr sbb aku update thru phone so nyampah aku xreti nk resize gmbr. hehe. btw aku state harga tu bkn nk showoff tau tp sng la sape2 nk refer and survey dh tau harga trus. sng buat bajet. aku mmg suka bc entry letak harga. tkde la aku tertanya2. hehe. ok frens,u r welcome to gv comments and ideas. mommies, please help this blur lady.

thnks and tatata..

Thursday, May 9, 2013

of breastpump

as salam and hola people.

ble dh tau preggie ni mmg tanam niat dalam hati nak bfeed anak kalo diizinkan allah swt smpai 2 tahun. doakan yer.

dh nk msk 3mo preggie br la cari info psl bpump. mula la menebeng blog nawal,moose,lisa,etty and many more. hehehe

after that i decided nak double electric pump sebab yela im a working mom kan. hopefully dpt pump cpt dan efficient la kalo double. single pn efficient gak tp lepas one side kena buat the other side plak. sbb i kan 'rajinnnnnnnnn' i nak double pump la.

i found out yg malaysian moms mmg suka medela freestyle. tp u noe it costs almost 2k. i pn bkenan gak sbb kecik je saiz and leh freestyle. tp ble tgk harga ada sdikit krisauan. i hv no prob nk invest but tkt la kot nnt xckup susu rs cm rugi plak. bkn murahhh oi. org berada boleh la. heh. tp ibu2 bpengalaman pesan jgn pk negative kena sntiasa pk positive. when i discussed with hubs dia pn agree jgn pk ada susu ke x. jnji bli yg ok ikut keperluan kita.

so antara bpump yg jd pilihan adalah:

1. rumbletuff double electric pump.

info: us brand. still new in msia. pricewise murah. ble offer leh dpt 300+ je. tgk review yg dh pkai kata lembut,ringan, and worth the price. tp ada gak yg review kata kalo heavy pump ie 6times per day mmg cpt rosak. i dunno mmg dia xleh heavy sgt ke or kbetulan akak tu unlucky. katanya parts nk basuh pn sng.bunyi xla snyap xla mcm msin rumput.

2. unimom forte

info: korean brand. pricewise pn dlm 400++. hospital grade and heavy duty. tp berat 2kg. xsesuai la nk bawa ke opis la kn mlainkan ko gigih. bc review fr australia,nz ada yg sgt bpuas hati ada yg x. katanya suction lembut natural. bunyi pn ok katanya.

3. medela maxi swing

info: swiss brand eh?im not rea sure. pricewise 1.5k kt kedai and salesgirl kat one babyworld kata xsesuai heavy duty. leh pkai sekejap2. tp kecik saiz dan ringan. xbyk kedai jual product ni.

4. medela freestyle (fs)

info: pricewise u cn get 1.3k tp xtau la ok ke x after sale service or ada warranty ke x. tp rata2 jual within range 1.6k-1.9k . medela fs ni kbykn dpt review yg bgs. tp tu la harganya. and katanya medela slalu ada backflow prob. ntahla. tgk review mostly kata sng sgt nk guna. smbil drive pn boleh pump. ada satu online shop ajasu breastpump shop jual 1.7k and popular sgt with good reputation after sales service.

soooooo tnya la diri sndiri mahu yg mana. mana yg dekat dihati. xkira mahal or murah anggaplah investment utk kita dan anak. ada susu ke xde blkg cerita. tp harga atau brand x menjamin kuantiti susu. rezeki masing2.

as for me i mmg nk double pump,electric, ringan and mobile. lg bgs kalo leh freestyle. rasanya yg double pump lain kena pegang. i pn xtau.maklum la first time. tp to me freestyle feature tu bonus je. sbb my workspace is open station and ramai officer lelaki. xde kejenya i nk pump depan2, dorg dh la suka usik i. habis i kna bahan bertahun2. hehe. mmg i akan lari pg blk fail. xtau la kalo dh otai i relax je pump depan2. hehehehehehehe.

p/s: mggu ni ada baby expo kt mid kan?jom usha! harap xde la kna keje luar mggu ni. kacau daun tol. hopefully kalo dpt jmpe info psl double pump avent. sbb tau harga 1.8k and lembut tu je. hehe.


Friday, May 3, 2013

A bun in oven

Assalamualaikum and hello people.
Praise to allah swt, now that im pregnant. about to enter 4months next week. ;-)
been waiting for the right moment to write at here. u know,to put some memorable record at here. i cudnt be more happier when i got to know im preggie. im ready at last.
remember my last entry?whining and complaining bout hubs been stationed to myanmar. boy,i didnt know im pregnant at that time. padan la emo semacammmm je..haha. finally we decided hubs goin to myanmar first then i ll be there once my unpaid leave approved. perghhh nk dpt unpaid leave tu pnye la dugaan. but then off i went to myanmar. yeayyyyy..
nk djadikan cerita one week before fly,i duk tggu asal lambat period ni. aku nk mkn fat burner. al maklum la perut peha lengan dah bambam. so i pg bli upt test yg murah. clearblue digital mmg spare kt umah. skype hubby gtau nnt esok pg nk test sbb xsbr dh nk mnum fat burner nih.
esoknya before subuh aku pn check. oh maiii double line la. biar btol. aku blur and panik. cmne ni. dh la laki jauh beribu batu kn. dok skype dia xdpt. whatsapp x bls. aiyaaa apa aku nk buat ni?aku pn g amek upt clearblue. debar gle noksss..tgk pregnat 3++weeks. ohh mai ohh maii what shud i do?ms tu aku sgt blur. happy tp blur.
geram skype laki aku xdpt.aku kol je. mahal pn mahal la. dia la byr. haha. laki aku blur2 tnya nape u buat test 4am ni. hekeleh msia dh subuh ok. pastu aku suh tgk whatsapp. kami bdua blur2 but happy.
then hubs suh g klinik to cnfirm w/out telling anyone. yela kang bsr harapan mil aku plak tu mil aku teman yela laki xde umah kan. g klinik dr. confirmed positive 5weeks. xde scene tahniah dr doktor kpd suami. sob sob sob. lol. berangan lebey. then aku drive g keje dgn blur2 smbil.pesan baby pegang mummy kuat2. tmpt keje mummy jauhh ooo.
then fly g mymar masa 6weeks. few days after that ok lg selera mkn. entering 7weeks je start la nausea,muntah aje kejenya,xde selera nk mkn. smpai la 11weeks br la kurg nausea and muntah. kalo x part yg xtahan tu bab muntah la. kosong perut. kaki asik cramp bdn and punggung asik sakit je. lemah je aku spjg 1st trimester.
baby,if u must know u changed mommy a lot. mommy pregnant kn awak mommy langsung xsuka cokelat,milo kotak.pdhal satu hr mommy habis berbelas ringgit sehari utk snack mommy je before u came. u rea changed me about food. mommy now not myself anymore. suddenly x suka ayam,asam pedas,msk lada or segala bnda pedas2. nasi pn lately ni br leh mkn. kalo x mommy mana bleh hdup tnpa nasi.g honeymoon gigih cr nasi campur anddddd tbe2 mommy suka mkn salmon plak. mommy perasan my eating habit now mcm ur daddy and granny. duhhhh. sian mommy xdpt mkn fave food mommy. but for u dear,mommy telan jugak.
mommy x suka pkai baju mommy spjg preggie ni. mommy suka tibai baju daddy seluar daddy and even spende daddy. lol. apa girlie2 ni. xsuka tau. lol. padahal sblum preggie!!! mommy xsuka cuci muka pkai facial apatah lg nk makeup kan.nasib baik xkuar jerawat. jimat sk ii mommy. ntah2 buang trus lps ni. lg satu mommy tpaksa potong rambut mommy yg dh smpi pinggang tuh. dek hormon mommy's hair didnt produce enough moisture hence kusut masai rmbut mommy. blk msia nenek sapu olive oil then gunting smpai paras bahu. ohh skang ni mommy rea hate shopping. ur daddy said "i love this new mommy". hehe. daddy have to drag me to go out even for dinner. that baddddd. totally opposite previous me.
on 8weeks ultra scan u were so small like the size of blueberry. and on 10 weeks u grew even bigger. i think about 3 or 4 cm. then on ur 14 weeks u already 10cm long. my goodness. u even meniarap smbil tutup telinga and gerak2 kaki. show off kt mommy and daddy is it that now u cn move ur body parts?i cnt help laughing happily ms doktor scan. pdn la before that pusat mommy sakit sgt. agaknya awak tgh nk bpusing habis awak lggr organ mommy yg lain. smpi skang mommy teringat pose awak yg lepas mommy sengih sorg2. mommy tgk dahi jendul mcm daddy. hehehe. xsbr nk jmpe lg end of may. i told ur daddy mcm ne ni yang br kecik dlm perut dh buat mommy cair. blum kluar lg. mommy ingt mommy ni garang. heh.
so now stay put and b strong baby. mommy alwiz there for u. nexweek mommy dh start keje balik. baby behave ok?both mommy and daddy love u lots.